Manufacturer of Tablet Coater
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Autometic Tablet Coater
Conventional Coating Machine
Colloid Mill
Agitator- Stirrer
Spraying System
Lab Conventional Coating Machine
Lab Tablet Coater
Lab Colloid Mill
Lab Stirrer - Agitator- Homogenizer
Our products find application in the following sectors for Research and Development (R&D), Pilot and Production Scale

1. Pharmaceuticals: For Oral Solid Dosage- Tablet

Wet Powder Granulation and Formulation for tabletting
Dry Powder Compaction Granulation and Formulation for tabletting
Single process granulating
Pallets and Granules Coating
Tablet Compression
Tablet Coating- Film & Sugar

2. Pharmaceuticals: For Oral Liquid Syrup Manufacturing

Liquid Syrup manufacturing Plant
Liquid – Powder mixing
Liquid Syrup Homogenizing Mixing
Liquid Syrup Particle size reduction
Liquid Syrup Stirrer Mixing
Liquid Syrup Filtration.


3. Pharmaceuticals: For Ointment/ Cream Manufacturing

Ointment/ Cream Manufacturing Plant
Vacuum Mixer
Planetary mixing
Ointment/Cream Homogenizing Mixing
Ointment/ Cream Vacuumize mixing
Ointment/Cream Particle size reduction

4. Pharmaceuticals: For Oral Solid Dosage- Capsule

Dry Powder mixing, grading, blending for Capsule
Pellet making- Extruding and Spherodizing
Pallet Coating
Capsule filling and sealing

5. Nutraceutical:
Wet Powder Granulation and Formulation.
Dry Powder Granulation and Formulation.
6. Biotechnology:
Dry Powder Mixing, Blending, Milling and Grading
Wet Powder Mixing, Drying, Milling, Grading and Blending
Dry Powder compaction and granulating
Pellets making by Dough mixing, Extruding, Spherodizing, Drying
Solid liquid separation- Centrifuge
Liquid Homogenizing Mixing and stirrer
Liquid Particle size reduction by high shear dispo homogenizer and colloid mill
Liquid Filtration
Liquid Stirrer Mixing and vessel
Liquid Vacuumised mixing and gassing
Granulation, Tabletting and Coating
Fermentation Plant

7. Ayurvedic & Herbals:
Churan Powder manufacturing- Desintrigetor
Making Extract from herbals
Solid liquid separation
Liquid Filtration
Fermentation Plant
Granulation, Tabletting and Coating
Liquid Syrup manufacturing Plant
Liquid Syrup Homogenizing Mixing
Liquid Syrup Particle size reduction
Liquid Syrup Stirrer Mixing
Liquid Syrup Filtration
Ointment/ Cream/Tooth paste Manufacturing Plant
Vacuum Mixer
Roto Cone Mixer
Planetary mixing
For Ointment/Cream Homogenizing Mixing
For Ointment/Cream Particle size reduction
8. Cosmetics: For Cream / Tooth Pate/ Gel/ Talcum Powder Manufacturing
Ointment/ Cream/Tooth paste Manufacturing Plant
Vacuum Mixer
Planetary mixing
Ointment/Cream Homogenizing Mixing
Ointment/Cream Particle size reduction
Talcum Powder Manufacturing

9. Foods, Salt and Dairy
Dry Mixing, Grading, Milling, Blending of powder & Adding flavors.
Wet Granulation and Formulation.
Liquid/ Gel Manufacturing.
Sugar Melting, Gum Melting
Liquid – Powder mixing.
Liquid Homogenizing Mixing.
Liquid Particle size reduction
Liquid Stirrer Mixing.
Liquid Filtration.

10. Bakery and Biscuit:
Dry Mixing, Grading, Milling, Blending of Powder, Sugar and adding flavors.
Wet Dough Mixing and Granulation

11. Confectionery:
Dry Mixing, Grading, Milling, Blending of Powder, sugar and adding flavors.
Wet Granulation and Formulation.
Gems and Polo tablet Manufacturing
Gum Melting, Sugar Melting vessel/Mixer/ Cooker.
Gum, Gems & Mint Tablet Sugar Coating
Sugar melting and mixing coco, milk powder and flavors.
Gel Manufacturing Plant

12. Agro Chemicals, Chemicals
Dry Powder Mixing, Blending, Milling and Grading
Wet Powder Mixing, Drying, Milling, Grading and Blending.
Dry Powder compaction and granulating.
Pellets making by Dough mixing, Extruding, Spherodizing, Drying.
Solid liquid separation- Centrifuge.
Liquid Homogenizing Mixing and stirrer.
Liquid Particle size reduction by high shear dispo homogenizer and colloid mill.
Liquid Filtration
Liquid Stirrer Mixing and vessel.
Liquid Vacuum mixer.
Granulation, Tabletting and Coating.

13. Detergent:

Dry Powder Mixing, Blending, Milling and Grading
Dry Powder compaction and Granulating, Tabletting
Liquid Homogenizing Mixing and stirrer.

14. Paint :

Paint Homogenizing Mixing and stirrer.
Liquid - Solid powder homogenize mixing
Paint particles grinding by Bead Mill
Paint Filtration

14. Battery, Ceramics, Carbide, Silica and Catalyst

Dry Powder Mixing, Blending, Milling and Grading
Wet Powder Mixing, Drying, Milling, Grading and Blending
Fine Powder Manufacturing Process- Ball Mill
Oil and Paint color/ Dye Homogenizing mixing by colloid mill and stirrer
Liquid Particle size reduction by high shear dispo homogenizer and colloid mill
Liquid Stirrer Mixing and vessel
Granulation and Tabletting
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